Help Aurora

Held by Ali Paws
Supporting West Vancouver
$45.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Kathy
  2. C.Hack

Calling all animal lovers!

Animals are such an important part of my life, as they are for many people. This fundraiser is for a dog that needs her back leg amputated. Her name is Aurora. All the money that I raise wil go to Aurora's medical emergency. I want help to Aurora and other animals in distress, but I can't do it without all the other animal lovers. Will you help Aurora and other animals?

Animals rely on caring people like us so they can live happy and healthy lives. Last year the BC SPCA assisted over 118,000 (one hundred eighteen thousand) animals!

Your donation can give them a second chance at life that is free from cruelty. Please join me today to help animals in need.

To donate, please click on the 'Donate' button or call 1-855-622-7722 and mention my Champions for Animals page.

Thank- you so much for your support!

Offline donation page for printing: Click here to download

Words of support

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