In Memory of Homer J Noble

Held by Kurtis Noble
Supporting Areas of Greatest Need
$200.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Mom, Dad, Ava & Pickles
  2. Ava and Bucky 2022
  3. Ava, Bucky, Kitty, Mom & Dad
  4. Bucky

Homer was more than a dog. He was an amazing companion, he was a soul mate, he was my son. Homer made me a better person, there is no doubt about it in my mind. I credit him with teaching me and influencing me in my adult years as much as my parents taught and influenced me as a child and teenager. He taught me to be more patient, be more kind, be more giving. He taught me to focus on the more important things in life - the experiences, the simple pleasures, the happiness. Life is so much more than material things. It's about the little things, like rolling in the grass after finding a nice stinky worm! His huge caring heart and larger than life happy personality was the heart of our home and his absence will leave a void that can never be replaced.

He was always there for his family and the changes in our lives. A relocation across the country, a new house, a new brother, a new life partner - a family that expanded and he just found it in him to fill it with more love. As long as he had me, his family, a warm bed, and plenty of food to share, he was more than happy. And if you were having a bad day, he sensed it and somehow went to work even harder to cut through the stress and make you smile. He put everyone else first and tried to take care of us and cheer us up if we were stressed or down.

I smile knowing that Homer will also leave his paw prints on the hearts of those lucky enough to have gotten to know him. I have countless happy memories of Homer putting a smile on the face of family, friends, neighbours and even strangers that we would meet. Like the time Amber was recovering from a surgery. He did not leave her side the entire time. He would walk at the same snails pace as she would between rooms right beside her as though he had his arm around her shoulder and was helping with each step. Or the time when Homer and I were out for a walk and as we were walking past a house a little girl was on the deck waving and shouting ‘Look Mommy it’s Homer, Hi Homer”. I did not know these people and to this day I still don’t exactly know how she knew it was him. But that was who he was, he left an impression that was unforgettable.

I love you Homer J, and that love is more than a feeling, it’s a promise. A promise that I will never let go of the amazing bond we have. A promise that I will never forget all the amazing happy times we shared, not one day. I swear. Your huge smile and paw prints are etched onto my mind, my heart and my soul forever.

I hope you are some place that has fields of green lush grass with lots of worms to roll around in. A place that has all the treats and food that make you happy. A place that has furry friends for you to play with and people to love you and appreciate you. I hope with all my heart that I will see you again someday. I love you Homer... forever.


Photo: Homer J. Noble

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